

21) Taisei Arima, Shigeru Hidaka, Ryosuke Watanabe, Tomoya Akasaka, Atsushi Kurokawa, and Toshiki Kanamoto,
“A Thermally Optimizing Method of Thin Film Resistor Trimming with Machine Learning,”
IEICE Electronics Express, 20, 20230014, 1–6 (2023).

20) Shinsuke Kashiwazaki, Koutaro Hachiya, Toshiki Kanamoto, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Atsushi Kurokawa
“Receiver Coil Built Into Belt for Heat Dissipation of Watch-type Smart Devices,”
IEICE Electronics Express, 19, 3, 1-5 (2022).

19) Yurina Nishi, Ryosuke Watanabe, Subaru Sasaki, Akihiro Okada, Keisuke Seto, Takayoshi Kobayashi, and Eiji Tokunaga
“Electric-field induced shift in the plasmon resonance due to the interfacial Pockels effect of water on a silver surface,”
Applied Sciences, 11, 2152, 1-17 (2021).

18) Ryosuke Watanabe, Keita Izawa, Shota Kajiya, Daiki Tsunemoto, Koki Kasai, Atsushi Kurokawa, and Toshiki Kanamoto
“Effective thermal modeling of a thin film snubber resistor for power modules,”
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, 11, 253-266 (2020).

17) Yuuta Satomi, Koutaro Hachiya, Toshiki Kanamoto, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Atsushi Kurokawa
“Thermal placement on PCB of components including 3D ICs,”
IEICE Electronics Express, 17, 20190737, 1-6 (2020).

16) 齋藤洋司, 齋藤和弘, 石橋直幸, 渡邊良祐,
材料の科学と工学, 55(6), 231-233 (2018).

15) Ryosuke Watanabe, Takehiro Mariko, and Yoji Saito
“Optical and morphological properties of spin-coated triple layer anti-reflection films on textured silicon substrates,”
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E101.C, 299-302  (2018).

14) Kentaro Takagi, Selvakumar V. Nair, Jumpei Saito, Keisuke Seto, Ryosuke Watanabe, Takayoshi Kobayashi, and Eiji Tokunaga
“Plasmon Modulation Spectroscopy of Noble Metals to Reveal the Distribution of the Fermi Surface Electrons in the Conduction Band,”
Applied Sciences, 7, 12-1315, 1-11 (2017).

13) Kentaro Takagi, Selvakumar V. Nair, Ryosuke Watanabe, Keisuke Seto, Takayoshi Kobayashi, and Eiji Tokunaga,
“Surface plasmon polariton resonance of gold, silver, and copper studied in the Kretschmann geometry: dependence on wavelength, angle of incidence, and film thickness,”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86, 124721, 1-11 (2017).

12) Ryosuke Watanabe, Mizuho Kawashima, and Yoji Saito,
“Alumina passivation films prepared by wet process for silicon solar cells using aluminum isopropoxide as a sol-gel precursor”
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E100.C, 108-111 (2017).

11) Ryosuke Watanabe, Tsubasa Koyama, and Yoji Saito,
“Evaluation of spin-coated alumina passivation layer for point-contacted rear electrode passivation of silicon solar cells”
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E100.C, 101-107 (2017).

10) Tomoka Abe, Yoshinori Miyasaka, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Yoji Saito,
“Random texturing process for multi-crystalline silicon solar cells using plasmaless dry etching”
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 34, 051401, 1-7 (2016).

9) Ryosuke Watanabe, Mizuho Kawashima, and Yoji Saito,
“Film properties of alumina passivation layer for silicon solar cells prepared by spin-coating method”
Thin Solid Films, 590, 98-102 (2015).

8) 山田拓也, 眞利子岳比郎, 渡邊良祐, 齋藤洋司,
材料の科学と工学, 52(4), 125-127 (2015).

7) Ryosuke Watanabe, Yohei Eguchi, Takuya Yamada, and Yoji Saito,
“Optical properties of spin-coated TiO2 anti-reflection films on textured single-crystalline silicon substrates”
International Journal of Photoenergy, 2015, 147836, 1-8 (2015).

6) 岩村泰明, 渡邊良祐, 齋藤洋司,
材料の科学と工学, 51(6), 238-242 (2014).

5) Yoji Saito, Akira Kubota, Shigeto Iwama, and Ryosuke Watanabe,
“Random-texturing of phosphorus-doped layers for multi-crystalline Si solar cells by plasmaless dry etching”
Modern Applied Science, 8, 8-15 (2014).

4) Ryosuke Watanabe, Shuuji Abe, Satoshi Haruyama, Tatsunobu Suzuki, Mitsuo Onuma, and Yoji Saito,
“Evaluation of a new acid solution for texturization of multi-crystalline silicon solar cells”
International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013, 951303, 1-6 (2013).

3) Aunuddin Syabba Vioktalamo, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Teruya Ishihara,
“Permeability enhancement of stratified metal dielectric metamaterial in optical regime”
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 10, 325-328 (2012).

2) Ryosuke Watanabe and Kenjiro Miyano,
“Metal nanoparticles in a photovoltaic cell: Effect of metallic loss”
AIP Advances, 1, 042154, 1-12 (2011).

1) Ryosuke Watanabe, Masanobu Iwanaga, and Teruya Ishihara,
“s-polarization Brewster's angle of stratified metal dielectric metamaterial in optical regime”
Physica Status Solidi B, 245, 2696-2701 (2008).(Editor’s choice)



1) 特許第5649856号 「光電変換素子」 中山慶祐、渡邊良祐、宮野健次郎 (2014).


1) Ryosuke Watanabe, Aunuddin Syabba Vioktalamo, and Teruya Ishihara,
“Magnetic resonance in stratified metal-dielectric metamaterials”
Proceedings of SPIE, 7395, 73951K, 1-7 (2009). (Invited)


6) 渡邊良祐 (Invited)
第8回マテリアルズ・インフォマティクス基礎研究会、オンライン, 2021年3月.

5) 渡邊良祐 (Invited)
第5回マテリアルズ・インフォマティクス基礎研究会、関東学院大学KGU関内メディアセンター, 2019年5月.

4) Ryosuke Watanabe, Ryo Ito, Mizuho Kawashima, and Yoji Saito, (Invited)
“Properties of spin-coated alumina passivation films for silicon solar cells”
Korea-Japan International Symposium on Materials Science and Technology 2016, Gyeongju, Korea, November 2016.

3) Ryosuke Watanabe, Mizuho Kawashima, and Yoji Saito, (invited)
“Surface passivation of silicon solar cells prepared by wet process”
Korea-Japan International Symposium on Materials Science and Technology 2014, Seoul, Korea, November 2014.

2) Teruya Ishihara, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Aunuddin Syabba Vioktalamo, (invited)
“Magnetic resonance in stratified metal-dielectric metamaterials”
SPIE Optics and Photonics 2009, San Diego, California, USA, August 2009.

1) Ryosuke Watanabe, Masanobu Iwanaga, and Teruya Ishihara, (plenary)
“s-polarization Brewster's angle of stratified metal dielectric metamaterial in optical regime”
8th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Kyoto, Japan, June 2008.


12) Tomoya Akasaka, Shigeru Hidaka, Ryosuke Watanabe, Taisei Arima, Atushi Kurokawa, Toshiki Kanamoto,
“A Thermally Optimizing Method of Thin Film Resistor Trimming with Machine Learning”
The 24th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (2022).

11) Ryosuke Watanabe, Shigeru Hidaka, Tomoya Akasaka, Shota Kajiya, Taisei Arima, Atsushi Kurokawa, Toshiki Kanamoto,
“Enhanced Laser Trimming of Thin Film Resistors Dedicated to Snubber for High Power IGBT Modules”

10) 大石凌也,渡邊良祐
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, vol. 121, no. 255, EE2021-30, 67-71 (2021).

9) 梶谷翔太, 渡邊良祐
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, vol. 121, no. 255, EE2021-29, 63-66 (2021).

8) Ryosuke Watanabe, Keita Izawa, Shota Kajiya, Tomohiro Aoba, Ryo Arima, Atsushi Kurokawa, and Toshiki Kanamoto,
“Thermally Optimization of the Trimming Shape of Thin Film NiCr Resistors to Improve Pulse Durability”
The 23rd Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (2021).

7) Shinsuke Kashiwazaki, Kodai Matsuhashi, Motoki Ishizaki, Toshiki Kanamoto, Koutaro Hachiya, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Atsushi Kurokawa,
“Using Receiver Coils for Dissipating Heat of Watch-type Smart Devices”
The 23rd Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (2021).

6) Ryosuke Watanabe, Keita Izawa, Shota Kajiya, Taiki Tsunemoto, Koki Kasai, Atsushi Kurokawa, and Toshiki Kanamoto,
“An Efficient Thermal Model of Thin Film NiCr Resistors Considering Pulse Response”
The 22nd Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (2019).

5) 渡邊良祐、小山翼、齋藤洋司, 
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, vol. 118, no. 179, 43-46 (2018).

4) Takehiro Mariko, Taku Osakabe, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Yoji Saito,
“Preparation of multi-antireflection films on silicon surface by spin coating method”
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2016), 90163, (2016).

3) Hidetoshi Hayashi, Shigeto Iwama, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Yoji Saito,
“A study on fabrication process of back contact solar cells using p-type silicon substrates”
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2016), 90168, (2016).

2) Takuya Yamada, Yohei Eguchi, Ryosuke Watanabe, and Yoji Saito,
“Optical properties and morphologies of spin-coated anti-reflection films on textured silicon solar cells”
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2015), 15A-095, (2015).

1) Efrain Eduardo Tamayo Ruiz, Kentaroh Watanabe, Ryosuke Watanabe, Masakazu Sugiyama, Yoshitaka Okada, and Kenjiro Miyano,
“Efficiency simulations of top surface light management structures for concentrator solar cells using RCWA and detailed balance theory”
Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC 2012), 002101-002104 (2012).


3) 大石凌也,
日本材料科学会 北海道・東北支部第3回材料科学コロキウム 優秀発表賞 (2020).

2) 応用物理学会東北支部企画運営委員会, 青森県現地実行委員会,
応用物理学会東北支部特別賞 (2018).

1) Ryosuke Watanabe,
PSS Young Researcher Award, at EXCON’08, Kyoto, Japan,(若手奨励賞)(2008).

